10 Wild Outside Bets To Win WWE 2019 Men's Royal Rumble

4. Batista

Batista Matt Riddle Royal Rumble

2014 was a long time ago. Well, actually it was only four years ago, but in wrestling, that is a long time.

Since then, much has changed. Specifically, Daniel Bryan's arc reached its satisfying apex, and all animosity towards Dave Batista for usurping his spot has evaporated. In fact, it vanished alongside his WrestleMania XXX defeat.

Batista pivoted into the heel role as part of the reformed trios Evolution, winning fickle fans back onside. Despite rediscovering his niche, it was always going to be a short-term stay for Hollywood's newest hunk, and he soon departed over dreaded "creative differences."

WWE failed to fulfil their promises to Batista, but there's still time to make it up. 'The Animal' has repeatedly stated his wish for one more corrective sojourn, and after his SmackDown 1000 cameo, the door is open wider than ever. A 2019 Royal Rumble win would right all those Philadelphia ills from four years ago, and the company - if they were aware of such things - could revel in the juicy irony of a main event opposite Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 34.

Or he could just face Brock Lesnar. Either way, Vince wins in the end. He always does.

Probability: Batista seems a good shout for WrestleMania - but perhaps just a whisper for the Royal Rumble.

Editorial Team
Editorial Team

Benjamin was born in 1987, and is still not dead. He variously enjoys classical music, old-school adventure games (they're not dead), and walks on the beach (albeit short - asthma, you know). He's currently trying to compile a comprehensive history of video game music, yet denies accusations that he purposefully targets niche audiences. He's often wrong about these things.