10 Wildest Spots In The History Of The WWE Money In The Bank Match

2. Jeff Hardy Steals WrestleMania

Jeff Hardy Money In The Bank WrestleMania 23 Legdrop

All WWE match types have moments that will live on in video packages forever. The Royal Rumble has Kofi Kingston's handstand. Hell In A Cell has Mick Foley and The Undertaker. Money In The Bank has Jeff Hardy's huge leg drop onto Edge.

As mentioned previously, WrestleMania 23's Money In The Bank match is easily one of the best there's ever been. It was helped by the fact that the participants in this match included two Hall of Famers, five future or former world champions, and Matt Hardy, who fits neither of those categories, but is still cool.

We're not talking about Matt here, because, as always seems to be the case, we're talking about his brother, Jeff.

The Charismatic Enigma looked set to capture the briefcase, but the allure to do something stupid was just too strong. Matt had laid a prone Edge out on a ladder outside the ring and was gesturing for his brother to do something. So he did.

Instead of grabbing the briefcase that was just inches away, Jeff leapt from the gigantic ladder and delivered a crushing leg drop to Edge. Both superstars were taken out of the match, as the crowd went ballistic.

Brothers, eh, always egging each other on.

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Jeff Hardy
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.