10 Worst Animal-Related Angles In Wrestling History

6. Adam Rose And His 'Bunny'

Playing the role of a cult-like party leader, 'Adam Rose' burst onto the main WWE roster in the Spring of 2014. Initially, he was a babyface feuding with Jack Swagger, but the character failed to maintain momentum once the buzz over seeing a fresh name started to wear off. Always accompanied by his 'Rose Buds', the wrestler's mascot was someone in a bunny suit. Having a mascot was fine, but 'The Bunny' started wrestling in tag-team matches alongside Rose. This is where things started to get weird, because many adult fans had difficulty accepting what they were seeing transpire. This would only be the beginning, The Bunny started to cost Rose matches, leading to a short feud between the pair. Fans were silent throughout many of the segments involving the team, because they were pretty ridiculous. Pro wrestling fans are willing to suspend their disbelief more often than not, but it all became a little grating when Michael Cole and JBL bickered over whether or not The Bunny was an actual rabbit. Thankfully, the storyline was abandoned in late-2014, and hasn't been seen since.
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Al Snow
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.