Was anybody sitting around in 2006 and thinking 'gee, I wish WWE would give Tatanka another run in the big time. His undefeated streak was excellent and his gimmick would definitely translate well to today's product'? It's doubtful, but there must have been one or two in WWE management who longed for the return of the tomahawk-chopping Native American. He returned to the company in August 2005, nine years after he left them (he didn't want to work a full schedule) as an opponent for Euguene. It was just meant to be a one-off surprise appearance, which would have been all well and good, but then WWE had him working house shows before bringing him back to TV at the 2006 Royal Rumble. The low point of Tatanka's WWE comeback was when he was announced as Matt Hardy's surprise partner at No Way Out 2006. Most in the arena and at home were hoping/expecting to see the return of Matt's brother Jeff. The silence that greeted Tatanka's entrance was deafening... After that, Tatanka wrestled mostly on Velocity and began a losing streak. He asked for and was granted a release in January 2007. Tatanka really hung around for far too long. It's hard to believe anybody was sad to see him, or hid dated act, go.