10 Worst Excuses Wrestlers Gave For Missing Matches

7. Eva Marie Is Stuck In Traffic

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The kayfabe giggles continue with a look back to 2016 when Eva Marie found excuse after excuse to get out of actually working matches. On the 16 August episode, Naomi bounced out to her catchy entrance theme and stared down the entranceway waiting for Eva.

That's when Marie's dramatic voiceover dude hyped "All Red Everything" before revealing that Eva wouldn't be there because the roads were busy and she was stuck in traffic. Tremendous. Being fair, this kind of caper did draw some heat from live crowds, but nobody was actually gutted that Marie wasn't wrestling.

Exchanging holds and putting on a showcase in-ring was never Eva's main strength, to say the least. WWE likely knew that, so they decided to stretch this excuse-laden run out for as long as they could. Marie followed this up with another stint in the company that did include some matches.

They were nothing to write home about really.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.