10 Worst Final Champions In Wrestling History

3. Ezekiel Jackson - ECW Championship

Hornswoggle Cruiserweight Champion Studio

At the end of its original run, the final ECW Champion was Rhyno, a beast of a man who embodied the promotion's smash-mouth, no-questions--asked style of violence to a tee. This would have a perfect final champion, but then WWE had to exhume ECW's corpse and puppet it around like a wrestling version of Weekend at Bernie's. 

The new ECW, which existed between 2006 and 2010, did produce some great champions like Rob Van Dam, CM Punk, and Christian, but sadly, none of those people were left holding the belt when time ran out. 

That dubious honour fell to Ezekiel Jackson, future member of The Corre and the latest in a long line of "Look at how many muscles he has!" projects in WWE. He beat Christian on the final episode of ECW TV, reigning for about five minutes before the brand was killed off for good. 

If you had to pick the least ECW wrestler of all time, chances are Jackson would appear towards the top of your list. This was emblematic of WWE's sanitation of the once-thrilling promotion, which did not deserve such a limp and uninspiring final torchbearer. 


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.