10 Worst Main Events In WrestleMania History
1. Hulk Hogan Vs. Yokozuna (WrestleMania IX)

The worst main event in WrestleMania history was exactly 22 seconds long.
At WrestleMania IX in 1993, Bret Hart defended the WWE Championship against Yokozuna in the night's main event. The finish saw Mr. Fuji throw salt in The Hitman's eyes, forcing him to break his Sharpshooter finisher and allowing Yokozuna to score the win and the title. Never before had a heel left the biggest event of the year with the top prize in WWE, and Vince McMahon was not about to buck that tradition.
Enter Hulk Hogan, who had recently returned to the company after a year-long hiatus. Having competed earlier in the night in a tag team title match with Brutus Beefcake against Money, Inc., it appeared as though The Hulkster had accepted his fate as the star of a bygone era, and that Hart would get the opportunity to run at the top of the company.
Instead, Hogan came to ringside and almost immediately found himself in an impromptu title bout against the massive new champion. He ducked more salt from Fuji, dropped the leg drop and won his fifth WWE title.
The entire ordeal left a bad taste in the mouths of analysts and die-hard fans who saw it for what it was: another Hogan ego stroke designed to make him happy at the expense of the youth movement McMahon had been trying to establish in the weeks and months preceding it.
The political implications and the egomania of the entire ordeal helped make Hogan vs. Yokozuna the worst and most unnecessary WrestleMania main event of all time.