10 Worst Moments From WWE’s Best Performers

7. Bayley's Babyface Promo Is Booed

Bayley Booing

Things have been rough for Bayley since trading the adulation of Full Sail University in NXT for WWE main roster apathy. Her sugary-sweet "girl next door" gimmick has flopped hard, the ongoing storyline she's working with Sasha Banks is dragging on without purpose and Bayley is even (occasionally) playing before silence.

That's probably better than being booed mercilessly whilst wearing a sling and looking for sympathy.

A few weeks before SummerSlam 2017, Bayley put on her best puppy-dog eyes and acted all melancholy as she announced she'd have to skip the upcoming pay-per-view due to injury. Instead of sticking with the babyface and rooting for her return, fans jeered her. This did not look good.

Even interviewer Charly Caruso looked sorry for Bayley. Her moment to rally fan support for an eventual heroic return was dampened by the fact people were flat out bored of her goody-two-shoes act. That's what happens when WWE fail to develop characters beyond their NXT roots and expect fans to cheer for them by default.

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Finn Balor
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.