10 Worst Reincarnations Of Legendary Wrestling Teams

7. The New Brood

Legion Of Doom 2005

When the Hardy Boyz began to rise up the ranks of the WWF in 1999, they did so under the guidance of tag team legend Michael 'P.S.' Hayes of The Fabulous Freebirds. With Hayes leading the charge, the young Carolina brothers shot up the ranks of the tag team division and became WWF Tag Team Champions in mid-'99.

Parallel to their ascent was that of Edge and Christian. Under the leadership of Gangrel, E&C were becoming a hot act as The Brood. With their awesome theme music and undeniably cool entrance through the flames, The Brood were a stand-out team in the midcard.

These two journeys crossed paths in explosive fashion on the 11 July 1999 episode of Sunday Night Heat, when Gangrel turned his back on Edge. With Christian loyal to his partner, Gangrel instead aligned himself with the Hardys - who had parted ways with the former Freebird.

The association lasted all of about two months before both teams - E&C and the Hardys - put their differences aside and called a truce following their epic ladder match at No Mercy. Meanwhile, Gangrel was left without a team and took a beating from all four men for his troubles.


Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!