10 Worst Reincarnations Of Legendary Wrestling Teams

4. The New Dream Team

Legion Of Doom 2005

The original version of The Dream Team, comprising of Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine and Brutus Beefcake, achieved a decent measure of success in the WWF in the mid-1980s. Winning the WWF Tag Team Championship in August 1985, Valentine and Beefcake were riding high atop the tag division under the guidance of Johnny Valiant.

The success of The Dream Team saw them main event the Chicago portion of WrestleMania 2, where the duo would lose the straps to The British Bulldogs in what many considered the match of the night. Despite the acclaim, Valentine and Beefcake would never regain the gold.

After teaming with Valiant's newest acquisition, Dino Bravo, on a number of occasions in six-man competition, tensions boiled over at WrestleMania III when Bravo and Valentine jumped Beefcake, effectively severing the relationship with Bruti.

Following the brutish betrayal, Valentine and Bravo became The New Dream Team. Despite challenging for the WWF Tag Titles, the team wasn't able to capture the gold and they went their separate ways after Survivor Series that same year.

Despite the similar look and rugged style, the new incarnation never achieved anywhere near the success of the original. It's since been noted that Valentine and Bravo genuinely didn't care for each other, which undoubtedly had a negative effect on the success of the team.


Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!