10 Worst Reincarnations Of Legendary Wrestling Teams

2. Harlem Heat 2000

Legion Of Doom 2005

Harlem Heat were one of the most successful tag teams in the history of WCW. However, when Stevie Ray went down to an ankle injury in mid '97, Booker T began to branch out on his own and become a singles star. When his brother returned, he did what many others did at the time and slotted into the nWo.

Nevertheless, Harlem Heat did reunite in mid-'99 to win the WCW Tag Team Titles thrice more, bringing them up to a record ten Tag Title reigns. After losing the straps to The Filthy Animals, tension between the two began to bubble over with the addition of Midnight, who was billed as the duo's kayfabe sister.

After weeks of in-fighting, the implosion reached boiling point at Souled Out 2000, when Booker T and Stevie Ray went one-on-one. The match ended in disqualification when Big T (aka Ahmed Johnson) made his WCW debut by attacking 'The Book'.

Stevie Ray and Big T would go on to form Harlem Heat 2000 (as if the "2000" tag hadn't been used enough already). Dressed in matching attire similar to the original, the revamped Harlem Heat feuded with Booker T before Big T was eventually fired for weight issues.

Harlem Heat 2000 lasted less than six months, after which Ray took a step back from the action and become a colour commentator.


Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!