10 Worst Things About The Dean Ambrose/Roman Reigns Alliance

5. Why Would Roman Reigns Want Dean Ambrose To Win The WWE Championship?

Here's a (possibly intentional) hole in logic big enough to drive a car through. So, let's say you were pinned in a main event match for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania. Let's say that two months later, your friend is wrestling for said championship, which he wins, loses and then steals. Logic would say that a) if someone that close to you is wrestling for the biggest prize in the industry that you might be jealous, b) you'd want to defy The Authority and interfere so he didn't win and/or c)you'd cut him off at the pass and turn on him on the spot. Yes, this is a kid friendly WWE so the company has a more child-friendly presentation. However, naive children deserve to see the world for what it is sometimes, too. What better way to teach small children about trust and cynicism then to pull the trigger on a Reigns turn right there. #teachthemyoung

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.