10 Worst Women’s Gimmicks In WWE History

7. Natalya - Farter

Kat Tits_0

Natalya (aka Nattie Neidhart) is proof that nobody is safe from a terrible gimmick, regardless of their family lineage or in-ring ability. While a good gimmick can actually elevate otherwise poor performers (just see Eva Marie’s ‘perpetual no-show’ gimmick as evidence of that), a truly awful one can take even the best workers down a peg or two.

That’s exactly what happened with Natalya, when she was given the utterly thankless character trait of uncontrollable flatulence. Portrayed as somebody constantly trying to hold in gas, Natalya was transformed into a sub-bar BEANO character in 2012. In one of the most egregious examples of Vince McMahon having a five year old’s sense of humour, Natalya nervously let out a stinker while talking to Tyson Kidd. A passing Hornswoggle would then find himself caught in the noxious fumes, which knocked him out cold.

If you ever find yourself taking wrestling too seriously, just remember that Natalya once KO’d a fake leprechaun (who is also Vince McMahon’s illegitimate son) with a killer fart.

At least Nattie was pretty cavalier about the whole thing: “It’s so great to say, ‘No matter what I’m given, I’m going to make it great.’ I’m going to pass gas, maybe I had too many protein bars that morning. I’m sorry, but as a Diva, I’m going to eat a lot of protein, and if I’m going to do that, then I’m going to look like a rockstar doing that, dressed to the nines in vintage couture and I’m going to make it gold.”

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Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.