10 Worst Women’s Gimmicks In WWE History

5. Carmella - Female Enzo Amore

Kat Tits_0

It might not be as offensive, insensitive or weird as the rest of the examples on this list, but Carmella’s original gimmick felt tacked-on and half-finished, to say the least. Although she has since branched out to become the master manipulator (and personal shopper) of SmackDown’s resident jobber, James Ellsworth, Carmella is still essentially a female rehash of her former stablemate Enzo Amore.

Whether fighting in singles competition or accompanying Enzo and Cass to the ring, Carmella aped Amore’s catchphrase, merely replacing gender pronouns and adjectives to more accurately describe herself. It never really worked, especially in singles action, because while Enzo was gifted with the guttural vocal tones of an after dark radio DJ, Carmella’s voice is high-pitched and slightly shrill. Once Enzo and Cass were called up to the main roster, Carmella’s singles run in NXT fell flat.

Carmella’s character work has been pretty great since turning heel though, proving that the less she tries to mimic Enzo, the more successful she’s likely to become.

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The Kat
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Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.