10 Worst Worked Wrestling Shoots Of All Time

9. "I Respect You, Booker-Man"

At WCW's SuperBrawl '96 Pay Per View, Brian Pillman supposedly cut a shoot interview on Kevin Sullivan before walking out of their scheduled match. The pair were supposed to square off in a "respect" match, after which the loser would be forced to admit they respected the winner. Instead, Pillman grabbed a mic and yelled "I respect you, booker-man", outing Sullivan as the promotion's real-life head booker, and was subsequently released from his contract. This was later revealed to be a complete work. Pillman then went to ECW, where WCW higher-ups hoped he would be able to sharpen his anarchic "loose cannon" gimmick before returning. The only problem was, WCW legitimately did release Brian from his contract. He went to ECW, garnered a lot of attention as a result, and was courted by the WWF. He snapped their hand off, screwing his former employees in the process.
Content Producer
Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.