10 Worst Worked Wrestling Shoots Of All Time

8. John Cena Gets Stabbed

Back in 2004, John Cena was rapidly gaining popularity thanks to a well-timed babyface turn, one which would eventually see him become the all-conquering superstar we know today. One of his first feuds was against the debuting Carlito, a heel backed up by his muscular bodyguard, Jesus. With Cena set to film 'The Marine', the WWE needed an excuse to write him off television while maintaining the feud's momentum. They chose perhaps the most heavy-handed course of action possible. Cena was reportedly stabbed by Jesus in a Boston nightclub, crossing a line the wrestling business rarely treads. Wanting to cause your opponent great physical harm is fine, but actual attempted murder (especially in such a gruesome, realistic manner) is understandably frowned upon. For the record, Cena returned after a month and quickly beat Carlito for the US Championship.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.