10 Worst Worked Wrestling Shoots Of All Time

6. Mick Foley Visits The TNA Writers

The only thing worse than an overly-elaborate worked shoot is a lazy one done for the sake of it. Mick Foley's stint in TNA fortunately had little lasting damage upon his legacy, and he is still firmly regarded as an all-time WWE great, but this incident must rank as one of the lowest moments of his career. A segment written by Vince Russo (who else?) saw Foley meet the show's writers backstage. Through understandably gritted teeth, the Hardcore Legend congratulated the team on writing such a great show, and jokingly asked if they could write a segment where owner Dixie Carter returns his phone calls. Rarely has wrestling's sacred fourth wall been broken for such a pointless pay-off.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.