10 Worst WrestleMania Endings Ever

2. WrestleMania 8 - The DQ Finish

WrestleMania endings are usually bad due to a piece of bad booking, rather than a disastrous botch or embarrassing miscommunication. WrestleMania 8 was unfortunate enough to suffer from both. Hulk Hogan's popularity was well and truly on the wane by this stage; not even Hulkamania could resist the passing of time, which made the decision to have him defeat upcoming monster Sid by disqualification all the more baffling. This would have made for one of the worst WrestleMania endings of all time had it been executed perfectly; the horrifically bungled manner in which it was carried out makes it all the more worse. Newcomer Papa Shango was supposed to run out, shocking the crowd with his terrifying appearance and attacking Hogan - thereby securing him the win via DQ. The Ultimate Warrior would then make his long-awaited return and save the day, helping Hogan clear the ring and allowing the two babyfaces to stand tall to end the show. Instead, Shango was hopelessly late making his entrance, shuffling down the ramp while Hogan had already nailed Sid with his legdrop and made the cover. Sid was forced to do the unthinkable and kick out of the irresistible finisher, before the referee called for the bell and awarded the match to the Hulkster - seemingly for no reason.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.