10 Worst WrestleMania Endings Ever

3. WrestleMania 27 - The Rock Steals The Show

As if having two consecutive Cena vs Rock main events wasn't enough of a blatant money-grabbing move, the finish of the prior WrestleMania was even more infuriating, sabotaging an entirely separate feud to set the whole thing up. Rock's instalment as the 'host' of WrestleMania 27 was initially an exciting decision - who better to introduce us to the biggest show in wrestling than the most electrifying man in sports entertainment? Instead, however, fans were forced to sit through various pointless comedy vignettes, interrupting the flow of the show and taking away from its grand feel. The Rock then went on to interfere directly in the main event, planting John Cena with the rock bottom and allowing Miz to enjoy an entirely underwhelming main event victory. The whole thing was nothing more than a reason to set up the subsequent two years, a decision which left the fans feeling cheated and - ultimately - bored, with the next two roads to WrestleMania set firmly in stone.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.