10 Worst WrestleMania Endings Ever

1. WrestleMania 9 - Hogan Knows Best

Remember how Hogan's stint at the top of the wrestling world had run its course by the time WrestleMania 8 rolled around? Well, it turns out he was unwilling to let go of the spotlight a whole year later, denying Bret Hart an incredible moment and causing the worst finish in the history of the event with an incredibly short-sighted, selfish piece of creative control. Champion Bret was facing Yokozuna for the title, the original idea being that he would solidify his status as the man to lead the company into a new era with a big win over a dangerous foe. Instead, Hogan decided that a man of Hart's stature wasn't ready to take the torch from the bronzed giants of his own era, and demanded that Vince rewrite the storyline at short notice. Vince bowed to his wishes - an incredibly unwise decision in hindsight - and the main event was mangled beyond all recognition. Yokozuna defeated Bret and celebrated with manager Mr Fuji, while Hogan ran out to help his 'close friend' Bret to the back. Fuji issued an immediate title shot to the Hulkster, which he accepted with Hart's 'blessing', before charging the ring and defeating the new champ in 22 seconds. Although many in the crowd celebrated this unexpected turn of events, many recognised this as a clear regression for the WWF. It's also comfortably the most ludicrous ending to a WrestleMania, seemingly written by an immature Hulk Hogan superfan (which is perhaps, depending on your opinion of Hogan, exactly what happened).
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.