10 Worst WrestleMania Endings Ever

6. WrestleMania 28 - "Next Time, On WrestleMania"

Many were surprised to see the Rock defeat John Cena in a decent final match at 'Mania 28. Most assumed that Cena was going to use the bout to cement his legacy among the all-time greats of the company, proving his worth by defeating a bonafide legend in the form of the Brahma Bull. The Rock's victory therefore shocked many, especially with the older superstar leaning slightly towards the heelish side of the feud during its year-long duration. It was only once fans realised that this was merely a set-up for a rematch the following year, everything fell into place. Suddenly the main event (heavily billed as a "once in a lifetime" encounter) found its importance greatly diluted, adding to the criticism already heaped upon it by disgruntled fans looking to see new stars given a push, and telegraphing the booking of the main event scene for the entire following year.
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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.