10 Worst WrestleMania Endings Ever

4. WrestleMania 29 - Predictable, Played-Out, Pointless

As previously mentioned, the original Cena vs Rock encounter turned out to be nothing more than the first in of a two-part series. Frustrated fans heaped even more scorn onto the sequel, especially as it involved a great deal of reshuffling at the top of the card to make the storyline plausible. The lengthy, hugely popular title reign of CM Punk was cut short at the 2013 Royal Rumble to slap the belt on part-timer Rocky, while the outcome of the Rumble match itself was rendered equally predictable - Cena won, of course. This resulted in a match which drew a great deal, as did its predecessor, without sparking the imagination of devoted wrestling fans at all. Everybody realised that this was an opportunity for Cena to 'get his win back', a prediction which turned out to be exactly true, ending WrestleMania on an anti-climactic, ill-received note yet again.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.