10 Worst Wrestling Matches In Halloween Havoc History

8. Hollywood Hogan Vs Rowdy Roddy Piper (1997)

Hogan Choke Warrior WCW Halloween Havoc 1998
WWE Network

This was an undeniably big match in sports entertainment, but the operative word there is "was". In 1997, a past-his-prime Piper and ego-tripping Hogan were a boring choice to close an event, and on a card that features the legendary Mysterio Jr/Guerrero Mask vs. Title match, they’re shown up all the more.

The two veterans obviously believe that their sheer star power will carry them through, and accordingly they do little of substance for the crawling 13-minute match. There’s some fun to be had as Hogan and Piper attempt to climb the cage, then think better of it and shuffle back into the ring.

Less enjoyable are the lengthy belt whipping sequences, which don’t look nearly as impactful on screen as they evidently did in Hogan’s head. Piper still has the fire in his belly, but he’s in no condition to make this anything worth watching.

The ending is downright stupid. Some incredibly unconvincing fake Stings emerge to point bats and cause chaos; Piper wins with a sleeper and then, as per, the nWo close things off with a beatdown. The crowd, meanwhile, cheers for the real Sting, who doesn’t show up.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)