10 Worst WWE Champions Of Each Of The Past 10 Years

3. Sheamus (2010)

Sheamus WWE Championship Fatal 4 Way 2010

It may seem like this writer has something against Sheamus. That's not the case: he's simply been booked below par whenever he's been WWE Champion. In three reigns with the gold, the Irishman has never managed to become the guy in the company. The most glaring example of that was in 2010.

Unlike the refreshing surprise of his Tables Match win over John Cena at TLC 2009, the hum drum nature of Sheamus beating Cena, Edge and Randy Orton in a throwaway Fatal-4-Way (at the throwaway pay-per-view of the same name) was there for all to see. As if that wasn't bland enough, Sheamus then lost the title in a Six-Pack Challenge that September.

Between June-September, he had only one memorable defence, a Steel Cage effort with Cena at MITB.

There didn't seem to be much direction for Sheamus as champion. He won and lost it in multi-man matches, had his SummerSlam 2010 match with Orton relegated to the mid card in favour of pushing the Nexus invasion, and the same shock factor his first title reign had benefited from wasn't there.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.