10 Worst WWE Gimmicks Of The Ruthless Aggression Era

1. Muhammad Hassan

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All things considered, Muhammad Hassan had the in-ring prowess and verbal skills to make it as a top WWE superstar. Sadly, it was the spoiling of his gimmick as well as poor timing that saw him depart before his World Heavyweight Championship reign.

Hassan sought to eradicate all labeling of Arab-Americans as “terrorists,” a stereotype which he blamed on post-9/11 paranoia. The WWE Universe may have jeered him, but his pursuit was not without some nobility.

On its own, the edgy storyline might have continued to propel Hassan, but WWE pushed the envelope too far early on. For instance, when he finished a promo, he would clasp his hands and pray out to Allah. Muslim-Americans lashed back at WWE, and soon he appeared to pray after his promos, but never did so vocally.

A few adjustments and perhaps Hassan’s character may have got over. But instead, all regard for cultural sensitivity was abandoned in favor of an infamous segment on SmackDown. Hassan prayed after Daivari lost to The Undertaker, and five men emerged to assault and choke out ‘The Phenom.’

The skit was in poor taste and the timing couldn’t have been worse, as the '07 London Bombings took place three days later. Although the footage was pulled from European circuits, it aired unedited in North America and drew the ire of many major media outlets and sponsors, something which rattled UPN and led to the premature departure of the Hassan character.


Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.