10 Worst WWE Gimmicks Of The Ruthless Aggression Era

2. The Mexicools

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During the Ruthless Aggression Era, WWE had a knack for swooping up WCW talent to give them a half-hearted shot on their programming. With this in mind, WWE gained access to lucha legends Psicosis, Super Crazy and Juventud Guerrera. So what did they do?

They introduced the three as a John Deere-riding stable named The Mexicools.

On the surface, the in-ring skills of the cruiserweights could have more than compensated for their lackadaisical gimmick, but for some reason, they never showcased any of the dazzling feats that brought them acclaim.

Instead, they were reduced to a group of landscapers with distasteful gags only a racist grandfather would have enjoyed, some as juvenile as labelling their lawnmower “Juan Deere” or bringing a new rake over to the Spanish announce table during each show.

The group may have claimed they were proud of their heritage, but it came across as though they only knew the unfortunate stereotypes.


Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.