10 Worst WWE Gimmicks Of The Ruthless Aggression Era

6. B²

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Outside of a dreadful ‘This Is Your Life’ segment, when highlights of John Cena’s career played, they seldom referenced his time back the Ruthless Aggression Era with Bull Buchanan.

Buchanan had a rough time trying to get over in WWE. His run as Recon of The Truth Commission was short-lived, as was his time in Armageddon. Serving as some kind of SWAT protégé to Big Boss Man didn’t do much to develop a character, and he was often the forgotten member of Right to Censor.

Being repackaged as B², an enforcer for Cena during his ‘Master of Thuganomics’ phase, certainly didn’t further his career, either. With a lack of in-ring skills as well as charisma, Buchanan was reduced to another sidekick role, one whose only contribution was yelling “Boo-Yah” at the end of Big John’s rhymes.

And although he never received one more shot at redemption, WWE felt no less of an empty place.


Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.