10 Worst WWE Gimmicks Of The Ruthless Aggression Era

4. Eugene

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Nobody could imagine the WWE of today picking at a mental disorder, but from 2004 to 2007, that’s precisely what they did.

Nicholas Dinsmore was brought onto the RAW as a character named Eugene, who was the nephew of Eric Bischoff. The story was that Bischoff was ashamed of his disabled son, and he had William Regal “babysit” him during the shows. Of course, more often than not, Eugene kibitzed in the dealings of other superstars and found himself in serious trouble.

WWE presented Eugene in a humorous light, but sadly, the entire bit relied on the fact he had an unspecified learning disorder, and when angered, he went into a lunatic rage that sometimes saw him victorious against the most unexpected adversaries.

Not only was the concept of Eugene fairly one-dimensional, it also painted a poor light on those with disabilities, as he was constantly portrayed to be a burden on other superstars, his shortcomings were used as the punchlines to many ribs, and he was seen as someone imitating his favorite wrestling legends rather than being a wrestler himself.


Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.