10 Worst WWE Hardcore Champions Of All Time

10. Shawn Stasiak

I know I said I wasn't going to include anyone that held the title for less than a combined 24 hours, but Shawn Stasiak had the belt fifteen different times and still never occupied the spot for a full day! And that definitely earns him a spot on this list. Besides, Stasiak is such a glaring example of what was wrong with the 24/7 rule that an example must be made of him. WWE's creative team really fed Stasiak to the wolves during his multiple runs at the Hardcore Championship, continually finding new and more embarrassing ways for him to lose the belt. I suppose you have to give credit to the guy for sticking with it? ...Or not. That guy was never going to be believable as a hardcore champion because his wrestling style and look just wouldn't allow it. But hey, at least he provided some entertaining (often downright hilarious) segments during the hardcore craze.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.