10 Worst WWE Hardcore Champions Of All Time

9. Big Boss Man

Look, I don't want to put Big Boss Man on this list. But I need to put Big Boss Man on this list. Because I would be doing a great disservice if I didn't include at least one of the guys responsible for the Kennel From Hell match. And since Vince Russo never held the hardcore title and Al Snow is just too damn crazy/perfect for the hardcore environment, it has to be Boss Man. Ray Traylor was always a solid worker, dating back to his occasional feuds with Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage in the late 80s. He was nobody's idea of a stellar performer, and although he could generate a lot of heat from fans on the mic, he wasn't exactly Chris Jericho in terms of entertainment value. But again, he was fine. He was a surprisingly competent addition to the Hardcore division, too, honestly. Having a guy like that in the division (rather than only the crazy daredevil types) helped ground it just a little bit. Ironically, though, his move set became even more repetitious within the confines of the "anything goes" stipulations. And he participated in the Kennel From Hell match without bringing a mannequin head to the ring. Did I mention that?

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.