10 Worst WWE Hardcore Champions Of All Time

8. Test

Unfortunately, Test earns a spot on this list by sheer virtue of being...Test. I won't go so far as to say that Test was a terrible Hardcore Champion, but he was certainly pretty far from the top of the list. He's one of those guys that you'd think might be able to benefit from the lack of structure these matches presented, but it really just gave him an excuse to focus more on throwing haymakers and substituting chair shots for any sense of story or drama. The worst example of Test's reign as champ was the extra sloppy, poorly improvised match against Gangrel on a 2000 episode of Smackdown. If you ever wondered how someone could suck all the fun out of a backstage brawl, just watch these two idiots drag each other around the venue, stopping occasionally to toss each other into various surfaces. (A wall! A piano! A phone booth! Another wall!)

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.