10 Worst WWE SummerSlam Main Events Ever

2. The Undertaker vs. The Undertaker (1994)

Quite why the decision was taken to end SummerSlam 1994 with an ill-conceived Undertaker vs. Undertaker plodder of a match is anyone's guess. Things are made worse by the fact that the incendiary Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart Steel Cage war was relegated to the co-main event spot, that one should have went on last. It really seemed that fans weren't as interested in the 'Taker vs. Fake 'Taker bout as the WWF were. One of the main problems with the match was that it took place during an era when The Undertaker moved slowly. Deliberate movements were a nuance of the character, and his matches often felt like they were about to grind to a halt due to his zombie-like approach. Having another wrestler mimicking his style didn't make for a very exciting spectacle. Nonetheless, the WWF pressed on with their decision to headline with The Undertaker vs. The Undertaker. Ted DiBiase's fake version would be vanquished quickly by Paul Bearer's genuine article, but not quick enough for most people. Even though the 'action' lasted less than 10 minutes, it felt like a lifetime. This was a failed experiment, and a classic example of making the wrong choice to main event.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.