10 Worst WWE SummerSlam Main Events Ever

3. Diesel vs. 'King' Mabel (1995)

If SummerSlam 1989 was a low point, the 1995 iteration of the event took things to a whole new depth. Running desperately short on headline talent, the company shunted awkward tag-team wrestler, Mabel up the card. The resultant main event at SummerSlam '95 was far from satisfying, and even made reigning champion Diesel look less like a star. Winning the 1995 'King Of The Ring' to a frosty reception, Mabel was slotted into the SummerSlam headline spot opposite Diesel. In shoot interviews since, Kevin Nash has stated he wasn't exactly thrilled by the prospect, because the clumsy Mabel had a reputation for legitimately hurting opponents inside the ring. That was evident when he kicked his legs out from under him, sitting on Nash's spine and bruising him significantly during the contest. According to Nash, so upset was Vince McMahon by Mabel's performance, that he immediately wanted to fire him when he returned to the backstage area. Mabel did manage to keep his job, but his main event career was firmly over. The WWF Title match had been shoddy, and fans were pretty darn quiet throughout.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.