10 Worst WWE Summerslam Matches Ever

3. Summerslam 1995 - Diesel vs. King Mabel

Seen by some as the last gasp of the Cartoon Age of the World Wrestling Federation, the main event of Summerslam 1995 from Pittsburgh was one of the worst in WWF history and was the final nail in the coffin for Mabel's main event run. Unbelievably, Vince McMahon actually pushed Mabel to the main event following his King of the Ring win in 1995. Never mind the fact that, during the King of the Ring event, the Philadelphia crowd was so angry and bored that they started a very loud "ECW" chant. They then pelted Mabel with garbage while he was sitting on this throne, probably thought by Vince McMahon as heel heat rather than "this crap sucks" heat. Against every fan's desire, he pitted Mabel against Kevin Nash in the main event of the second-biggest show of the year. The match started with Nash unable to do anything with Mabel because he was too fat to lift. Nash tried to do his best (I think) with what he was given but Nash's offense consists of about three moves and Mabel was too morbidly obese to do anything other than sit on his opponent. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4812g_king-mabel-vs-diesel-wwf-title-matc_sport So the crowd remained completely silent through the entire match, which saw an awful main event that included interference from Lex Luger and Sir Mo. This would actually be Luger's last appearance on WWF television as he buggered off to WCW immediately after...it's probably for the best. Nash finally got the win after a shoulderblock off of the second rope and sent the crowd home completely underwhelmed. Mabel was so terrible that he actually injured Nash pretty severely during this match and Vince McMahon was ready to fire him. So much for that main event push.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.