10 Worst WWE Survivor Series Moments Ever

1. The Montreal Screwjob (1997)

Montreal Screwjob Bret Hart Shawn Michaels

It's easy to view the events of the 1997 Survivor Series as a launching point for the Mr. McMahon character and the 'Attitude Era' overall. In the long term, the WWF benefited from what happened on the show - there can be no question of that. However, that doesn't mean that the 'Montreal Screwjob' shouldn't be considered one of the worst Survivor Series moments ever.

Whether or not Bret Hart was playing hard ball with the company or not, it was still a sorry sight to see his lengthy tenure come to such a bitter end. Looking truly crestfallen, the 'Hitman' couldn't believe that Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels, Earl Hebner, and others had conspired behind his back to screw him out of the WWF Heavyweight Title. Bret had played his role, that must be admitted. It would not have killed his career had he dropped the WWF Title to Michaels on the show, contrary to what he believed.

Nonetheless, McMahon should have sought some agreement with Hart, rather than acting in such a sneaky, abhorrent manner. The 'Montreal Screwjob' has never been forgotten, but when it happened it was one of the worst nights in WWF history. The wrestling world was left genuinely shocked.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.