10 Worst WWE Transformations In Recent Memory

7. Akira Tozawa

Otis transformation

The aggressive and stiff-striking Akira Tozawa did not emerge from the famed Cruiserweight Classic Tournament with the most illuminating personality. Then again, this much could be said for the majority of his lightweight brethren.

Nonetheless, the Japanese star did get over, as his unique war cry became a popular trait with the crowd and helped set him apart from the scrapheap.

As a one-time Cruiserweight Champion, albeit for only 6 days, Tozawa crafted a comfortable spot for himself within the 205 Live fold. He was as one of the purple brand's upper-midcard stars, and could always be relied upon to put on a good show. Unfortunately, with every passing day, 205 Live became more irrelevant and underappreciated, and the vast majority of the programs debut line-up has been let go by WWE. Tozawa still remains, but not as the roughhouse aerialist that he made his name as in Dragon Gate. Instead, he has become one of the worst additions to the horrific 24/7 Championship narrative.

The unfunny comedy character path is one that has been followedby many East-Asian wrestlers employed by WWE. Add to this, Akira now portrays a ninja, another stereotypical grey area, and perhaps his worst moment was becoming involved in the awful Viking Raiders vs Street Profits feud of last year. He is still with WWE so that’s the faint silver lining of the situation, but at a disappointing expense.

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Otis Dozovic
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Aussie Wrestling fan who's hell bent on watching every RAW and Smackdown from 2004 onwards because why not. I'm a fiend for mediocre wrestlers who loves throwing out an opinion. Get around me fellas!!!