10 Worst WWE World Champions Ever - Where Are They Now?

8. Rey Mysterio

Jack Swagger World Heavyweight Champion

Title: WWE Title

Length: Mere hours (25 July 2011 Raw).

Where He Is Now: You've got to feel sorry for Rey Mysterio here. His only WWE Title reign lasted less than a full episode of Raw in 2011, and was only booked as a makeweight to get another backup title on John Cena during CM Punk's "Summer Of Punk" sabbatical.

It was a ludicrous booking decision, one that also shrugged on-screen shoulders at the thought of Punk running out of Money In The Bank with the top belt and blowing kisses Vince McMahon's way. If WWE could just create a new title and move on, then why care?

People definitely do care about Rey in 2023 though.

He's another who has experienced quite the career resurgence in recent years. A feud vs. his son Dominik was one of WWE TV's biggest dangling carrots earlier this year, and Mysterio has since settled in as the default leader of a revamped LWO.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.