10 Worst WWE World Champions Ever - Where Are They Now?

7. Dolph Ziggler

Jack Swagger World Heavyweight Champion

Title: World Heavyweight Title

Length: One day (18 February 2011) then a 70 day reign (8 April-16 June 2013).

Where He Is Now: Known workhorse Dolph Ziggler had a blink-and-you'll-miss-it World Title stint in February 2011, but that was all part of an ongoing storyline involving Edge and Vickie Guerrero. Later, Dolph would erm...enjoy a longer reign, but that'd come to a premature end due to concussion issues.

Neither was a banner period in the man's career (MITB cash-in aside), and becoming World Champion didn't end up being Ziggler's full-time ticket to the top of WWE cards either. However, he's still on the roster and still plugging away.

Dolph hasn't wrestled since May though.

The veteran's "free agent" status following the 2023 Draft means he can show up on whichever show he pleases. Don't be shocked if that doesn't lead to anything, because WWE blatantly has nothing in mind for Ziggler these days.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.