10 Worst WWE WrestleMania Debuts Ever

8. The Boogeyman (WrestleMania 22)

Booker T Boogeyman WrestleMania 22

On that note, so did poor Booker T.

In the lead-up to WrestleMania 22, Booker was saddled with The Boogeyman and tasked with acting legit terrified. Booker should have been more scared of being asked to pull a decent match out of the comedic Boogey.

Once Boogeyman suffered a bicep tear shortly before the show, there was no chance of that happening. The match was turned into a handicap affair (Sharmell teamed with her husband) and lasted a scant four minutes before the power couple did the honours.

Booker must have looked at the 'Mania 22 poster with a tear in his eye; the fact he was on there with John Cena hinted that he might get a major spot on the card. He didn't, and instead had to settle for losing to a one-note character that belonged in the pre-show Battle Royal.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.