10 Worst WWF 'New Generation' Gimmicks

8. Duke 'The Dumpster' Droese

Today, wrestling fans might not be handed stellar reasons to cheer babyfaces. In truth, any reason would be better than, 'he's a garbage man', but the 'New Generation' was festooned by these real-life job wrestlers. There are numerous examples of the WWF trying to turn true-to-life regular gigs into superstar gimmicks, others will be explored later in this list. Duke 'The Dumpster' Droese remains one of the most notable. Debuting in 1994, Droese was handed the gimmick of being a bin man. Carrying his trusty trash can to the ring with him, the guy was incredibly over for a brief period in 1995. He had a good size and a decent level of ability inside the squared circle, but the character was a little too strange to parlay into a headline run. In truth, Droese deserved better than the humdrum gimmick. By the Summer of 1996, the Dumpster decided to depart the WWF. He did wrestle on and off for the next 5 years or so, even returning for the 'Gimmick Battle Royal' at WrestleMania X-Seven. There was no real reason given for why fans were expected to rally behind the every man, other than the fact he worked as a garbage man by day. That wasn't enough.
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TL Hopper
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.