10 Worst WWF 'New Generation' Gimmicks

7. Thurman 'Sparky' Plugg

As 'Hardcore', Bob Holly found a modicum of success in the WWF/WWE. A stalwart of the mid card pack for years, Holly was loyal to the WWF cause. That's remarkable, because management grossly let him down by casting him as the dorky Thurman 'Sparky' Plugg in 1994. Toting an outdated mullet and garish ring gear, Plugg was said to be race car driver determined to make a splash in the WWF. This was another of those real-life style gimmicks, and it - not so predictably - failed to get over. Holly did manage to win the WWF Tag-Team Titles with The 1-2-3 Kid at the Royal Rumble 1995, and also briefly held the Intercontinental Title in May of the same year. However, at no point could Thurman Plugg be considered a star attraction for the promotion. The character was supposed to appeal to the NASCAR-loving crowd. Unfortunately for Vince McMahon and his WWF creative squad, there weren't enough of those fans to launch the gimmick properly. Instead of coming across like a cool race car driver, Plugg came across as a nerdy cartoon. Hardcore Holly must have seemed like a revelation for Bob once he was able to kiss this particular gimmick goodbye.
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TL Hopper
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.