10 Worst WWF VHS Tapes Ever Released

5. Wrestling's Country Boys

One of the earliest tapes in the WWF catalogue is also one of the worst. Wrestling€™s Country Boys follows the careers of resident hillbillies Uncle Elmer, Hillbilly Jim, and Cousin Junior, three of the worst wrestlers to ever lace up their boots. Vince McMahon has a thing about country boys, largely down to the fact that beneath the bluster and the billions he was originally a trailer-park redneck. He has fought to stave off that image ever since by using his television shows as a forum to portray Southern folk in the most negative stereotypical way possible. Some of the matches on this US-only release are so bad that they might turn you off wrestling for good, with a brace of bouts pitting the half-speed man-mountain Uncle Elmer against Tiger Chung Lee, then opposite Big John Studd, genuine crimes against wrestling.
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The author of the highly acclaimed 'Titan' book series, James Dixon has been involved in the wrestling business for 25 years as a fan, wrestler, promoter, agent, and writer. James spent several years wrestling on the British independent circuit, but now prefers to write about the bumps and bruises rather than take any of them. His past in-ring experience does however give a uniquely more "insider" perspective on things, though he readily admits to still being a "mark" at heart. James is the Chief Editor and writer at historyofwrestling.co.uk and is responsible for the best-selling titles Titan Sinking, Titan Shattered, and Titan Screwed, as well as the Complete WWF Video Guide series, and the Raw Files series.