10 WrestleMania 32 Mistakes WWE Must Avoid This Year
7. A Few More Feel-Good Moments
Both in and out of kayfabe, there were very few feel-good moments from last year’s WrestleMania.
Charlotte won the Women’s title, Reigns won the WWE Championship, Lesnar beat Ambrose, The League of Nations beat the New Day, Chris Jericho beat AJ Styles, and The Undertaker beat Shane McMahon in a match that was rendered completely pointless the very next night.
Outside of
Corbin’s shock battle royal win and Ryder’s even more shocking Intercontinental title win,
there was very little to smile about. That’s right: the two biggest moments of
levity from WrestleMania 32 were the beginning of Zack Ryder’s 24 hour
Intercontinental Championship reign, and an obnoxious heel winning a battle
royal named after a deceased wrestler.
Nothing even came close to Daniel Bryan’s against-all-odds victory over Batista and Randy Orton at WrestleMania 30, nor were there many developments that really made you want to watch RAW the next night. The faces don’t always have to win, nor should they, but a constant stream of crushing defeats and time-wasting skits made an already seven hour show feel twice as long last year.
Fans don’t need to be mollycoddled at Mania - but a couple more heart-warming or
at least positive moments wouldn’t go amiss this year.