10 WrestleMania Secrets You Need To Know About

9. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper's Permanent Paint Problem

€œRowdy€ Roddy Piper is a man never to shy away from controversy at a WrestleMania, but at €˜Mania VI it came back to bite him in a big way. In order to get in the head of his opponent, Bad News Brown, Piper painted himself black from head-to-toe down the right side of his body, and even did a back and forth conversation between his two halves in the pre-match promo. The match itself was fairly forgettable and ended in a double-countout, but Piper€™s problems were only just beginning, as the paint he used was a special kind designed to stay on through the rough and tumble of a wrestling match. When it came time to use the special solvent that Piper was given to remove the paint, it didn€™t work, and no matter what Hot Rod did, he couldn€™t get the paint off his skin. Piper had to return home to Oregon with half his body painted black, and was even stopped in the airport because of how suspicious he looked. It would take another three weeks for the paint to finally vanish, likely teaching Piper that sometimes going to extra mile to put on a show just isn€™t worth the hassle.

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