10 Wrestlers AEW Has Given Up On

5. Joey Janela

Brian Cage AEW

'Bad Boy' Joey Janela is another who has found AEW bookings harder to come by in recent times. He, like Peter Avalon, has continued to work independent dates and feels far more at home there - and it doesn't look like that'll change in 2022.

Tony Khan has moved on to other projects.

Janela was once deemed a can't-miss prospect when AEW launched. Admittedly, his contract said he could still take indy bookings, but most expected Joey to make a splash in All Elite after being one of the first wrestlers signed to a three-year deal. Things haven't quite worked out the way Janela would've hoped, so he's back where he started.

His latest appearance, on the 15 January edition of Dark, was a quick loss to Lee Moriarty. His last Dynamite showing? Way back in May 2021 against current AEW World Champion Hangman Page. Yep, this organisation has moved on, and Janela is very much on the fringes.

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Brian Cage
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