10 Wrestlers At Risk Of Missing Out On The WrestleMania 38 Card

1. Bobby Lashley

Cesaro WWE

As strongly suspected by anyone even half-paying attention, Brock Lesnar won the WWE Championship in the men's Elimination Chamber match this past weekend to set up a Title vs. Title clash with Roman Reigns at the Show Of Shows. With such a predictable outcome, the more interesting talking point was Bobby Lashley. “The All Mighty” was removed from the match with an injury before he even left his pod.

Of course this led to furious speculation on Twitter. Was this an attempt to keep Bobby looking strong by not feeding him to Brock? Was it setting up a rematch to pad out the time until ‘Mania? There was even talk of Cody Rhodes turning up as a last-minute substitution. In fact, Lashley’s plight was simply a cover for a pre-existing shoulder injury.

Despite an amazing year for “Bobby, he looks set to miss out on WWE’s season finale because he’ll still be recovering from surgery. Stars like Triple H and John Cena have pulled off surprise post-injury returns on PPVs before. It would be great to hear Lashley get a huge return pop, but his projected lay-off is four months. To be rehabbed and ready in six weeks is an almighty big ask.

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Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.