10 Wrestlers Fans Would Love To See Go Back To NXT

6. Hideo Itami

Tyler Breeze NXT

The story of the former KENTA is a sad one.

Earmarked from day one for success in NXT, Itami went down with an injury right before he was due to challenge Kevin Owens' for the NXT Championship in his native Japan.

A series of other injuries repeatedly kept Itami on the shelf; his only NXT Championship match at a TakeOver came against Bobby Roode at the first TakeOver: Chicago event in 2017, a match he would lose.

Itami fizzled out after this match and a short feud with Aleister Black, eventually being called up from NXT, not to Raw or SmackDown, but to 205 Live.

Itami was a legend in Japan and deserves so much more than to be stuck on a show nobody watches. If WWE aren't going to give him the respect he deserves on the main roster, then perhaps it's best to put Itami back in developmental to finally give him the top run he is owed from all those years ago.

Granted, NXT's top tier is pretty cramped right now, so maybe Itami's return to the brand needs to wait a couple of months, but even if it was just as a one-off, the NXT universe would love to see one of their favourite sons get the spotlight he so desperately deserves.

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Tyler Breeze
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.