10 Wrestlers Fans Would Love To See Go Back To NXT

5. Tye Dillinger

Tyler Breeze NXT

Tye Dillinger is a perfect example of how hard work always pays off in the end, regardless of how long it takes.

Dillinger first signed with the WWE way back in 2006 and even appeared on the company's ill-fated ECW brand a handful of times, before being cut from the promotion in 2008.

After years on the indies, Dillinger returned to NXT in 2013, but it wouldn't be until 2016 and the birth of his "Perfect Ten" gimmick that Tye would finally become a megastar.

Tye got over in such a big way that crowds at main roster shows were chanting "Ten!" when he was still down in NXT. He finally got the call up on the SmackDown after WrestleMania 33, but apart from a few matches for the US title, has done nothing since.

Tye, like Tyler Breeze, has a gimmick that NXT fans adored and a return to it in front of the Full Sail crowd would provide an electric result.

Dillinger has what it takes to be a viable upper-midcard talent on SmackDown, but he is being criminally underused. A return to NXT and matches with the likes of Adam Cole, Johnny Gargano and Ricochet might help WWE see that and maybe give The Perfect Ten a chance to prove himself in the big leagues.

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Tyler Breeze
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.