10 Wrestlers That Have Held The WWE Title The Most Times

7. Bret Hart (5)

Just like Angle, Bret Hart is another very technically gifted wrestler that jumped ships at the prime of his career for very little reward, excluding obvious financial gain. However unlike Angle, it wasn't the poor storylines that would affect Hart€™s career (well they did a bit), but instead careless wrestling on behalf of Bill Goldberg. An overly forceful, clumsily executed, Goldberg sidekick, left the Hitman with a devastating concussion that would ultimately lead to the end of his career. For a large portion of his time within the WWE, Bret Hart was the company€™s biggest asset. After the mainstream success of Hulk Hogan, McMahon had several attempts at creating a Hogan II, all of which failed to emulate the Hulkster€™s previous success. With fans not taking to Hogan parodies quite in the way they did the original, McMahon moved on to plan B, a smaller guy who was notable for his in-ring delivery rather than his larger than life character; Bret Hart. It is common knowledge that Hart€™s last title run ended in extremely controversial circumstances at Survivor Series 97, and even to this day, seventeen years later, is a highly debated topic; however Shawn and Bret had a cuddle back in 2010 and all was forgiven. Unfortunately the talk of Montreal can often overshadow how valuable and skilled Hart was for the WWE. If you're unfamiliar with The Hitman€™s talent, I would recommend watching his title defence against his brother, Owen Hart at SummerSlam 94. It is a classic!

A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.