10 Wrestlers That Have Held The WWE Title The Most Times

6. Stone Cold (6)

Simply put, without Stone Cold Steve Austin, there may no longer be a WWE. There were many factors that played a part in WWE€™s triumph over WCW; and sure WCW didn€™t help themselves with bizarre moves like making B-list celebrity David Arquette their World Heavyweight Champion. Whilst days later on the other station, The Rock and Triple H€™s intense rivalry was boiling over into a highly anticipated clash at the Backlash PPV for the WWE championship. Subsequently, WCW made it all too easy for the WWE to win the ratings war in the end. However, before Ted Turner and his team became more focused on pushing bit part celebrities than their own roster, WCW were a huge problem. They were crushing WWE and had recently poached some of McMahon€™s biggest stars such as Bret Hart, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. At a desperate time, WWE called on Stone Cold, which would prove to be the best move on the chess board. The Texas Rattlesnake won his first title at WrestleMania XIV and then went on to become the most dominant wrestler in the business, at a very pivotal time. Austin was a one man wrecking show; he had an anti-establishment attitude and did not take kindly to the authorities within the company. He was covering his enemies with beer via a hose pipe and driving a cement truck into the parking lot, which he deposited inside his boss€™ convertible sports car. Fans were filled with excitement and anticipation as to what Stone Cold might do next and ratings were soaring through the roof. Whilst Austin was the head of the pack, the WWE were also fortunate that he was surrounded by a talented roster, creating healthy competition for the WWE Championship. The Rock, Triple H, Mankind and Austin himself would all share the title amongst that time period.

A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.